Sunday, November 7, 2010

down with a flu..

developed fever yesterday morning after i had my morning shower. sejuk sangat agaknya. was shivering in the ward while doing my ward round. got myself PCM and Loratidine. balik rumah, had nasi kerabu.. makan ubat dan terus pengsan.

this morning woke up, feverish still. nose blocked, rhinorhhoea and suara sengau satu macam. loratidine tu macam sedikit pun tak de effect. requested EL for the day.

sungguh takut nak mandi pagi tadi. so i waited till 11 baru mandi. tiba2 pukul 12 perut lapar tiba2, dan perlu diisi segera. semenjak dua menjak ni begitulah... cepat lapar dan mesti makan stat. otherwise, bisa lembik with all the hypo symptoms. nasib baik roti canai yg pagi tadi ada lebih, so... kita habiskan sekeping setengah tu. tak sampai satu jam, hubbyby pulang dengan nasi kukus.... thank you, darling!! magicnya kasih sayang suami.. lepas makan nasi kukus tu terus rasa macam dah nak baik. my nose definitely terasa ringan..

does it take so long for loratidine to work? it has been more than a day since i took it..

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