originally a novel by jodi piccoult. so many times i have touched, hold and read the summary of the book. but then, i returned it to the rack. have tried new authors many times, tak ngam and susah nak habiskan buku. even dgn kinsella pun i dah get bored.
but i chose to download the movie. no regret. it is a good one. really touching. and i was in tears almost through-out the film.
it was about Anna Fitzgerald, 11 yo, who was engineered to be born as a support system for her leukaemic sister, Kate. ever since she was born, she has been made to donate blood, granulocytes and bone marrow for kate, and for that reasons, she had been repeatedly hospitalised.
she had a wonderful mom, sara who quit her law practice to take care of kate, a loving father, brian who is a fireman, and brother jesse, who also suffered being neglected as the attention was fully on kate.
things changed when kate's condition deteriorated and her kidneys were failing to function. sara wanted anna to donate her kidney to her sister.
but anna did something shocking to the family. she went to see mr campbell, a lawyer, to file a lawsuit against her mother. she refused to be the giver no more. she wanted to live her own life. but she loves her sister, no doubt. jesse was with anna.
haah... it's fiction, yes. but it happens in our lives.
the story is about sacrifices of a family. a mother who loves her daughter so much, that she would do anything to keep her alive. a father who worked so hard to make a living for the family, and to pay the medical treatment. jesse, though still young, cried but agreed when he was sent to a boarding school, so that more attention can be given to kate. and anna who was engineered to be her sister's keeper.
they love and supported each other, so much, that they never realize, there is emptiness in some of the souls. kate, who was aware of her deteriorating condition, was actually ready to go. and she was the one who talked anna into taking the lawsuit against their mother. she doesn't want anna to suffer anymore.
you got to watch it. appreciate what you have, and forever giving to your love ones.
reading it or watching it, i believe you need a box of tissue paper with you. there'll be tears flowing..