Wednesday, December 16, 2009

looking back..

time really flies..

sedar tak sedar, ari ni dah 16th dec. lagi 15 hari masuk year 2010. huh! cepatnya masa berlalu. rasa cam baru je 2009.

so, mari kita flashback... what had happened during the past 11 months..

  1. i started blogging in january, rasanya 21st jan. mula ada kegilaan baru..
  2. started losing my weight. mula loss of appetite somewhere in dec 2008. why?? only God knows. kata my sister aini, may be i ni di buat orang. haha.. semua ketentuan di alam fana ni, Allah punya kuasa. tiada yang berlaku tanpa keizinanNya.
  3. got my new companion, captain future, on 30th jan. seronok sungguh. dah lama nak beli laptop baru, tapi the urge to buy this was to prepare for my Korat trip.
  4. many people said i changed.. kononnya baik sikit. hehe.. no comment. but i believe that as we got older, we became more matured and wiser. more rational and less emotional. garang kita pun bersebab..
  5. got a new tenant utk my house in KB, alhamdulillah.
  6. reluctantly went to korat, thailand for an intensive course yg i langsung tak de interest. "they" said, they saw the 'talent' in me... whatever la..
  7. while in Korat, i learned and discovered something... not to be shared.. personal!
  8. alhamdulillah, hubbyby's business bertambah baik, moga terus success dan dimurahkan rezeki. but he's much toooooo busy!!!
  9. tried antar sofea to nursery so that she can make more friends, and tak takut gi sekolah. tapi lepas cuti sekolah terus tak nak gi. and everyday mesti nangis bila di tinggalkan kat sekolah.
  10. trying out with pets - bela ikan dlm aquarium :)
  11. were given the chance to attend a conference in Bali, but dah last minute sangat.. and, again, i was misunderstood about sumthin'.
  12. losing more weight.. sampai banyak baju, especially kain and pants londeh. it was significant.. sampai i pun tak percaya that could happen. ada dua new pants sampai i terus tak leh pakai langsung, until now. and i could fit into my old jeans yang dah almost 10 years i tak pakai.
  13. for the first time since i owned a car sejak 1997, kena saman tak renew road-tax and insurance kereta. hehe... menunjukkan betapa berserabut sebenarnye seorang anita yg sebelum ni sangat la organized. i put a reminder to it but i memang langsung tak ingat. kena masuk traffic court!
  14. found my new love.. c-puteh, my new toyota camry 2.0
  15. kenapa sangat tak lalu makan and losing weight?? makan hati? merana? only me and God knows. kalau dulu biasa lunch sorang2 at work, i decided to have lunch with friends.. lebih ceria, and bersemangat sikit nak makan. be postive!!
  16. the politics at work became worse. ntahla.. lagi ramai org kat atas, lagi banyak idea and benda pelik2 and ntah hape2 nak di introduce. rasa cam kena sangat di controlled. at one time, i was sooo annoyed by these people and rasa nak lari je.. tapi lepas pikir 2-3 kali, i have nowhere to run. kita tak leh lari dari masalah. there would be pros and cons dlm semua benda kita buat.
  17. sofea dapat "kutu" attack, and i was so into it. stayed up sampai kul 1-2 pagi to clear that up.
  18. elly and makmun went for umrah. hope dapat ikut jejak langkah soon.
  19. nadjee and elly, both naik second house. both in setia alam.
  20. my second house??? ntah bila nak siap.. dah rasa tak sabar sangat nak pindah, rumah sewa sekarang dah mula timbul problem.
  21. my previous maid mula nampak lain macam.. dah banyak koya dari buat kerja. akhirnya dia balik indon and did not return. i expected that.. so tak de la huru hara.
  22. jangan tak caye.. kita masak for sahur and berbuka sepanjang ramadhan this year. tapi ada jugak beli... cuma kurang selera. hubbyby insisted that i should cook.
  23. for the first time dapat cuti raya more than 2 days for aidilfitri, in five years. hah... dah nasib badan..
  24. attended a conference in singapore.
  25. enrolled myself in an aerobic class. bukan sbb nak kurus, cuma nak jaga jantung, and to prevent myself form osteoporosis. dah ajak hubbyby utk sama2 gi jogging or panjat bukit during weekends cam dulu2.. but as usual.... busyyyyy memanjang!!
  26. nadjee and abg yie went for haj.
  27. got a new maid, who is only 20 yrs old. banyak nak kena ajar since dia belum pernah kerja sebelum ni. but with this new maid, i tak bagi sangat dia masak. i chose to cook since i nampak dia kurang pembersih. tapi tiap hari rasa tension fikir nak masak ape.. huhu..
  28. celebrated my 11th wedding anniversary by waaaaiting for hubbyby...
  29. hubbyby finally decided to rent another shop-lot for a second branch, tapi tak guna nama amethyst. it is nearer to the current house. hope he can spend more time at home.
  30. hanif finally di-sunatkan. dah besar anak ummi. took 2 weeks leave to attend to him and spend time with the children during the school holidays. berpantang sakan anak ummi.
  31. tadi pergi town, carikan uniform anak2. hanif kena jadi prefect. sofea still tak nak gi sekolah, but nampak more excited bila dah beli bag and stationaries.
  32. esok terpaksa gi kerja walaupun sebenarnye cuti... ada meeting dept.
  33. we're going for a holiday this friday. hanif pun is getting a lot better and dah kena paksa ngan ummi pakai jeans. oopps, lupa pulak, belum buat appt dgn spa kat sana, nanti melepas pulak..
  34. items still to look for during this year-end sale : digital camera, mini laptop, perhaps a new handphone (hubbyby wants an e72 for him, and i'm thinking of blackberry or iphone). tapi rasanye handphone tu cam dalam angan2 je la.. my htc touch masih ok, cuma i sakit hati ngan memory nye yang ciput tu!!

hah... akhirnya, dapat gak i write a new post. selesai within 30 minutes. fyi, since bercuti dah a few drafts i tulis, tapi satu pun tak menjadi. ntahla.. idea tak dtg. i cannot write dlm terpaksa, tak best. doesn't sound original and tak sincere. kita kan jenis tulis straight form the heart...

orait. tiba2 rasa cam semangat balik nak menulis. cukup dulu.

got to go now. see ya again, somewhere in time...

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