Thursday, April 9, 2009

what's on the box?

i was a 'kaki-tv', since i was introduced to the box till about 13 years ago, when i started working. i watch less of it since i gave birth. but i was a regular during confinement... haha! really enjoy confinement period... pelik bila orang boring cuti dua bulan!

now, the box is controlled by my girl. even her brother seldom got his share. we have another tv upstairs but without astro - so the picture quality is not so good, and we can only watch tv1,2,3 and 9. i'm the only one using it - to watch listen to the news, and sometimes to have a glimpse of the cerita bersambung2 on tv3, now it's Matahari - again, i don't really follow the series.

what i regularly watch nowadays are the followings:

1. Mickey Mouse Club House, PHDN - used to be called "mauskapaus" by sofea. featuring the famous disney characters mickey, minnie, donald, daisy, pluto and goofy, and the mousekatools.

2. My friend's Tigger and Pooh, PHDN - i really like this series. so cute... so innocent... reminds me of my childhood dreams. perasan jadi macam Derby. the song is also very cheerful. menyemai semangat setiakawan and friendship. they have a mystery to be solved each day.

3. Little Einsteins - sofea's favourite. featuring june, anna, quincy, leo and rocket. the little einsteins have a new mission each day, and with a classical music tune. bolehlah kenal lagu Mozart, beethoven etc. sofea tengok cerita ni berulang2 sampai she can even remember the dialogues well. sambil makan nasi pun dia boleh menyampuk sambung the dialogue without even turning to the tv.

4. handy manny - series featuring the "tools" yang boleh bercakap. it teaches teamwork, listening to orders and a lot of nilai2 murni.

5. pocoyo - comel sangat2. sesuai untuk umur less than 4.

6. dora the explorer, and go, diego! a lot of adventure related to the environment and the green world.

7. spongebob squarepants - cute sungguh spongebob and sungguh berbaik sangka dan berhati mulia. suka tengok!

item no. 1 to no. 5 can be watched on the playhouse disney channel. the other two are on nickelodeon.

i can also be glued on the sofa watching Ben 10, Naruto, Jimmy Neutron and Conan. pernah really followed Naruto, sama naik ngan hanif - the story memang interesting, and my favorite character is Sasuke (the one in blue).

dah lama i tak tengok House, Supernatural, CSI, Grey's Anatomy or Gossip Girl. the latest season of American Idol and ANTM pun tak tengok. kalau remote dapat kat tangan pun cuma boleh tengok AFC - best tengok orang masak2, mmm macam sedap je... tapi tak tahu bila boleh cuba.

no wonder perasaan sentiasa rasa cam budak2 je, sebab hari2 duk tengok children's program. tak pelah... demi anak2. at least we know what is good and not for the kids.

ahhh... i need to watch movies!!!

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