Thursday, August 6, 2009

mummy returns

... standing on the edge of something much too deep,

funny how i feel so much but cannot say a word...

we are screaming inside, oh, but we can't be heard!

haha... this entry has nothing to do with mummy returns - the movie. but its me returning to blogging.

at last... i can get connected again. had problems with streamyx since last saturday - bad weather, thunderstorm etc. sampai la ni my streamyx still not functioning. now using dial-up. this is not yet reported to hubbyby.. kesian dia, he has been very busy lately. and extra busy since the last 2 days coz i balik lewat due to a seminar that we organized. so the children had to stay at amethyst till i picked them up.

penat gak. last night, i slept early.. before 10. was really tired.

sekejap je dah thursday. 3 hari tak tgk patient and was away from the hospital, rasa hilang stress kerja kejap. cuma stress nak ensure seminar runs smoothly je. now everything dah over. alhamdulillah. lega. will make an entry about the seminar later.

returned to clinic petang tadi. tiba2 rasa semacam.. ambiencenya berbeza. ada new regulations. sometimes i wonder why lately, a lot of decisions were made without taking into account our opinions. previously, all decision making related to running of the department were made by consencus among the specialists. macam ada something fishy. it is us who actually run the clinic and deal with the patients, they should have at least asked our opinions, ni macam kami ni sama level je ngan subordinates. or is it b'coz we now talked too much? ape2 jelah... as long as we can enjoy working. funny... how we feel so much but cannot say a word... we are screaming inside, oh, but we can't be heard...

hmm.. balik rumah, banyak tugasan menunggu. kain dah ada 2 bakul to be washed. last few days hujan, nasib baik tak basuh kain. the floor need to be vacuumed and mopped. the aquarium need to be cleaned. the rain has at least helped me watered the plants.

my maid is supposed to return tomorrow night. balik ke tidak? ntahlah... she hasn't called since we wired her the money. harap baliklah..

esok on call. harap semua berjalan lancar. mmm.. penat!

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