Friday, March 19, 2010


shopping... most women loves it. here's what i like..

i love blue-topaz

1. diamonds are women's best friends.

but i don't have many of that. even if i have, i don't really have time to wear it. the nature of my work needs me to always take-off my rings and bracelet whenever i go into operating theaters. and frequent hand-washing using antiseptic wash would damage the fragile jeweleries. earings would always get stucked to my anak tudung, causing pain to the piercing site. cuma necklace je yang kita boleh pakai, but it always buat kita serabut time tidur. kita juga pernah mintak izin my mom utk tukar the necklace she gave me to a simple one bcoz yang dia bagi was quite bulky and hurts my skin whenever i lay down to sleep.

but that doesn't mean i don't love jeweleries. i do. but i do not really shop for it.

swatch-infinity.. sporty n trendy

2. watches

i love watches. really loves it. last few days saw an all-black/all-white rado wrist-watch. so elegant and sleek. lebih kurang sama ngan the watch yang ayah beli after i graduated from medical school (the watch finally rosak after using for more than 10 years). also suka swatch watches yang sangat fun-looking, tapi mungkin tak sesuai utk kita pakai gi kerja. another problem.. most of the watches jenis muka besar, which is too big for my wrist. yang muka kecik and ladylike ada jugak tapi kurang berkenan.

watches can never go wrong with me.. and most of my watches i boleh pakai lama. hadiah dapat 5A masa primary school kita boleh pakai sampai habis medical school. and the watch that i bought for my graduation in 1996 is still functioning well. yang ayah bagi pun lasted for more than 10 years. tapi sedih gak coz anne klein yg hubbyby beli dah rosak. currently i have about 5 yang kita gilir2 pakai. and there's another 2 yang hubbyby bought last year but too big for my wrist.. so, masih tersimpan kemas dlm kotak.. :(

jeweleries and watches are expensive items, kita fikir banyak kali before kita beli.

3. handbags

mula2 kerja dulu, tak pandai pakai handbag. semua benda sumbat dlm poket whitecoat. tapi bila keluar, byk sgt item yang kena pegang - carkey, purse, handphone, house-key, and pager (dulu pakai pager). as an effort not to loose any of the above things, i finally bought handbags. tapi dulu kita pakai slingbag, sling over one shoulder to the other side of my body. also suka handbags yg dipakai like a backpack. but after i got married, kena la appear more matured and ladylike. so the handbags pun berubah bentuk. spent a lot on handbags, the price of my handbag may reach 4 digits, i will never buy yg lebih dr tu. tapi bila kemas2 and tgk balik handbags lama2 rasa kesal juga. handbags are trendy items, bila out of trend, nampak outdated bila pakai. nak buang sayang, sbb harga mahal. so now, i sgt memilih beli handbags, and try not to spend too much on it.

hubbyby suggested me to wear boots with pants :)
hubbyby suggested me to wear boots with pants :)

4. shoes

ini keperluan, bukan kehendak. and i really don't mind spending on it. i have bunions, so its difficult for me to get a really comfortable pair. i really need a comfortable one. as a doctor, i walk a lot. and i walk fast. don't have time utk jalan lenggang lenggok macam itik pulang petang. kalau elevator rosak, kena panjat tangga.. so stiletto is a definite NO. i need some heels because of my height, but not more than 2.5 inch. wedges or big heels are more comfortable, and square-toed. sharp-pointed toes would only cause an aching feet. i like open sandals bila bukan time kerja. bebas.

an old friend has always wanted to see me in little black dress..
should look good on me.. :)

5. clothes

can go crazy with clothes, esp blouses. but my petite size makes it difficult for me to find one that really suits me. nak cari long-sleeves pun susah. so, most of my blouses have 3/4 sleeves (which appear as long sleeve on me!). also love long-skirts, but mr hubbyby prefers me to wear pants rather than long skirts. dia fikir long skirt appears more sexy b'cos of the way the skirt is cut. tapi.. dah makin tua ni rasa lebih manis pakai long skirt.. sekarang ntah kenapa minat plain colors and drifting away from prints. rasa cam nak beli few basic plain colors for blouse and long skirt. hm.. mesti cari tailor bagus..

6. books

love to read since i was small... sampai sekarang. used to buy books as a reward following big tests or exams. at the moments i have about 6-7 more books to be read. love mags too.. dulu2 kita beli homes & living, and wanita masa zaman student. bila tak de duit, kita akan kira semua mags yg kita ade, and tgk berapa byk kita dah habiskan for mags, which is actually equal to... bazirkan duit! i have collections of anjung seri and impiana and wanita/jelita. but nowadays i found mags are just a waste of money.. not many magazines have really good articles and worth buying. usually buy mags bila keboringan..

7. beddings items

suka sangat2 ngan beddings products. boleh berdiri lama2 kat area sini sambil belek cadar, quilt cover, cushion cover etc. rasanya dlm almari tu ade 3-4 lagi yang belum guna and last few days beli lagi. cannot help it. penyeri bilik!

8. kitchen utensils

haha.. even though am not very good in the kitchen, being a woman, tetap suka belek kuali. don't know why, of all the things.. i love pans. dari yang sekecik2nya sehingga la to the wok. still, i haven't got a really good one except for the grill pan bought last year. nanti naik rumah baru (yg tak tahu bila....) korang bawa la hadiah kuali2 or pots yg berkualiti utk kita for housewarming. sure kita suke giler..

also suka dinnerwares and tea sets yg modern and urban. simple but elegant, macam yg banyak kat ikea tu.

9. skincare products & makeups

skincare products - tak boleh tidak. these are must have items. the basic things.. cleanser, toner, eyecream, mosturiser, sunblock. just invested in estee lauder skincare, though i actually wanted skII. would love to have clarins products for bodycare.

i don't really use make-ups. just use compact powder, lipbalm and some lipstick. that's it. one lipstick may last more than 6 months. never use blusher or mascara or eyeshadow or eyeliner. tak pandai, and don't have time for it. lipstick pun, cari yang the most natural color. cukup utk nampak sedikit berseri and tak pucat.

10. luggage

i can go crazy with luggage carriers. nasib baik jarang travel, kalau tak mesti berderet.. suka cuci mata dengan luggage items.

Nevertheless, as a wife and a mother, mana2 pergi, i will always shop for my children first, followed by hubbyby's items. my own shopping would be done last.. i need to spend some time for my own things. never shop in a hurry... banyak abis duit kepada benda yang tak perlu.

being a women, i love shopping... but am not an impulsive buyer.

ahh.. bila dapat gi shopping ni?? dah middle march.. haven't really shop this year!

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