Monday, May 25, 2009

an eventful day

lately, i only write during the weekends. but i feel like writing today. so layan jelah ye...

hari ni, pagi2 lagi kena marah, sob..sob.. :( semua stop-cock water piping yang naik ke main tank rosak, and my hubbyby was 'bengang'. air mencurah2 keluar from tank. membazir. kita pulak yang kena...

then, jari sofea tersepit pintu kereta, masa nak gi hantar hanif to school. ohh... it breaks my heart to see my girl cried in pain. but she was such a strong girl. she chose to bear the pain semata2 utk hantar abg to school rather than kena tinggal kat rumah and letak ubat. kita jugak yang kena.... :( pergi kerja pun lewat sikit. our usual goodbye routine pun dia buat macam terpaksa je.

baru start kerja, a cousin called, his daughter fainted in school and was sent to casualty. so kenalah melaksanakan tanggungjawab sosial. she was warded since it was a repeated fainting attack. she is a best student at school, and is stressed out to face the exam. was expected to get 12As. kesian budak2 sekarang... went to visit her after work, was told that the doctors are thinking of a heart problem, quite a rare syndrome. tak pelah, rehat je lah.

balik petang tadi, sofea ok je. boleh keluar main ngan kawan2. the affected finger is slightly swollen and the nailbed became purplish. mildly tender. hubbyby still looking for a new charger for my phone. ntah bandaraya apalah KT ni, accessories utk HTC or O2 pda phone pun tak de. harap2 dia boleh dapatlah malam ni. otherwise i have to use my old phone, seganlah asyik pinjam charger orang.

it was an eventful day... need to let it go, and just enjoy the show!

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