Saturday, July 11, 2009

home quarantine

the home quarantine is extended.

went to the parents' meeting at SS1 this morning. i talked to hanif's class teacher. according to her, besides Dina and Aleesya, three other girls have been admitted. and now, the whole school is closed till next wednesday. they should return to school on thursday until further notice.

Dina, Aleesya and Nabila are best friends and sit together in class. all three are infected. Kamelia and another girl whose name i've forgotten tak de lah close sangat ngan depa, but being girls, they must have played together. I don't know whether there has been spread to other classes besides hanif's 3 Rasional and 6 Effective. mungkin ada, and that may be the reason why the whole school is closed.

hanif is enjoying his home quarantine. although he is not allowed out of the house, he is given privilege utk dapat apa yang dia nak. he has been downloading games from the internet and spent the whole day playing games. yang seronoknya ummi boleh tumpang sekaki. i don't want him to get bored. last thursday, his cousin Akim (also SS1 but different class) ikut tak gi sekolah. and he came over together with his PS2. they spent the whole daytime together sampailah bila i balik. then i told Akim, he was not supposed to come over bcoz hanif is on quarantine. we just want to minimise possible spread of the disease. tapi now, bila the whole school is closed, can Akim come and stay over during the school hours? yelah, takkan dia nak duduk sorang2 kat rumah.

sofea does not understand why she cannot share hanif's food and cannot drink from the same glass with hanif. she doesn't seem to understand why hanif cannot follow us out of the house. she is also not allowed to play out of the house. i told her that if we get infected, we can get bad respiratory problems and we can die because of it.

hope all of this will be over soon, and we can return to our normal life.

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