Wednesday, July 15, 2009

suatu masa - a special dedication to Sue

July 15th - is the day my sister, Sufiawati was born. she is my 4th sister, but due to unknown reason, we just call her Sue. in fact starting from her, we just call other sisters by names, without the traditional pre-fix "kak".

sue is a petite lady. if i'm considered small, she is even smaller than me. beza umur 7 tahun, tapi when we get to sit together, the age gap just do not exist. i feel so comfortable talking to her. we can talk for hours... and share alot of things together.

during primary school, sue is the school dancer for ZS. kalau tengok album lama, banyaklah gambar sue sedang menari kat school concert and speech day. biasalah ZS zaman dulu2, speech day and school concert mesti happening punye. she was so comel and cute. but sue that i remember the most is during her teenage years, masa she was in SMS Pengkalan Chepa. selalu ingat pergi hantar sue gi sekolah tu bila tiba hari sabtu, and go and collect her bila cuti sekolah mula. boleh ingat panjat tangga hostel sekolah tu and minum2 kat the school canteen. and she always bring home her school friends yang suka layan i main2. yelah... masa kita kecik2 dulu, orang sukalah nak layan kita. i rasa zaman you kat SMS was the best part of your life... you were so yourself, young, energetic, happy-go-lucky and lively.

bila you nak fly gi US, ingat lagi susahnya nak shopping baju utk you coz nak cari kat adult, besar sangat; nak cari kat children kecik sangat. yelah... 1982, KB tu bukan ada benda sangat. last2 gi shopping last minute kat KL.

amongst all, i think you are the toughest. banyak dugaan dan cabaran kehidupan, sejak kat US lagi. memang betullah kata orang, dugaan Tuhan itu memang diberi pada mereka yang terpilih, yang memang Allah tahu boleh menghadapinya. i memang salute habis kat you. you are one in a million. abg chik is really lucky to have you. memang patut pun you jadi menantu kesayangan.

while in US, sue was lucky when dia tak jadi ikut kawan2nya pergi satu tempat tu. the car met with an accident and 7 malaysian students died. it was in amarillo, texas. it was a big news in malaysia, berita utama. and it turned-out that it was you who mandikan jenazah kawan2 tu. i'm sure it was hard for you, pengalaman tak leh lupa sampai mati.

then there was also an incident in which a lady entered your house in US with a gun in one hand. but you handled it well. you also met with a car accident with a drunken driver. sampai lama berzaman you tak bawak kereta, phobia kot. la ni dah ok agaknya. so, dad finally gave in when you ask to get married in US. you only returned after dhuha was born.

an architecture graduate but choose to become a housewife. i guess, dad never said a word about it; mungkin ada but since you were already married, dad tak kacaulah. lagipun you balik zaman recession. life was not easy in the beginning. but both of you are strong, tough, stubborn and never give-up. perseverance might be the correct word. Allah is always with those yang sentiasa sabar, never give-up. and i never heard you complaining, not a word. you are the back-bone of abg chik's success. alhamdulillah, sekarang menuai hasil kesabaran masa lalu.

to sue, i really treasure the wonderful moments spent together. zaman giler2 main badminton, sama2 tunggu midnight movie dulu-dulu. dan seronoknya spent time talking and sharing our joys and sorrows in life. rasanya kita tak pernah gaduh. hehe... i kan adik yang baik! rumah you lah jadi tempat i and seri lepak2 bila tiba weekend masa kami student UKM/UM dulu. and now, since you in nilai, rumah you jugalah yang jadi persinggahan kalau kami perlu gi airport.

yes, we seldom meet each other nowadays. dalam setahun mungkin 2-3 kali je, but you are always close to my heart. remember that we are always there for you, in good times and bad times. i pernah giler2 menangis tengok satu movie tu coz it really reminds me of you. you are such a wonderful lady, equipped with beauty, strength, patience and perseverance. may dhuha, hajar, epi, sarah and nu'man bring you happiness dunia akhirat.

since you memang m.nasir's fan (hehe.. dapat hubby pun rupa cam mnasir), here's a wonderful song by him... Suatu Masa. hope you enjoy it. nanti suruhlah abg chik mainkan kat piano tu before gi kerja esok.

i wish you all the best and many happy returns. luv ya - now, then and forever..

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